If you are interested in Spanish Prayer Groups, please see our Spanish Ministries Page
Healing Hands Charismatic Prayer Group
The prayer group focuses on enthusiastic, charismatic prayer. They do not shy away from the miracles and wonders that Jesus and the Apostles experienced, and instead invite them into their own lives with confidence through the Holy Spirit. .
More information and FAQ’s can be found here. Questions about this group can be directed to Deacon Bob Gignilliat
The Email Prayer Request Ministry is made up of 130+ prayer warriors ready to pray for your intentions. Any individual can email their prayer requests to PrayerRequestSMM@gmail.com so that this group can pray for those intentions.
Questions about this group can be directed to Deacon Bob Gignilliat
Ministry of Praise
The Ministry of Praise is a response to a special call from God to serve Him and the Church by offering prayers. Anyone is eligible especially the homebound and senior citizens. A prayer list and prayer is sent monthly to those who have signed up by email or mail.
Contact: Mike Hanson at mikester55@hotmail.com
Prayer Shawl
The St. Mary's Prayer Shawl Group has shawls and lap blankets available for parishioners and their family members. Shawls are typically given in times of illness, recovery or bereavement and help provide comfort, hope, and peace for people in need. All shawls are blessed. If you know of someone who might benefit from a prayer shawl or lap blanket, please call the Parish Office. Shawls are distributed free of charge, but donations for future yarn purchases are gratefully accepted.