The celebration of First Communion is an exciting time for the whole parish!
We are looking forward to celebrating this special moment with your family!
For more information about First Communion for your child, please contact:
Leticia Hatfield, Sacramental Admin
301-725-3080 x208
For our First Communion 2025 families, bring up the gifts at a 9:00 am Sunday Mass!
First Communion and the Presentation of the Gifts
Gift bearers represent the people of the parish and, in a sense, the entire Church. They bring up bread and wine and the collection from that Mass: all as signs of the gifts God has given us that we return back to him.
During their First Communion Mass, our first communicants will serve as gift bearers. Help your child prepare for this special moment by signing up to bring up the gifts as a family!
*Para traer los regalos a la Misa en español de las 12:30 pm, llegue 15 minutos antes y pregunte a los ujieres.
How to Present the Gifts at the 9:00 am Mass
Please arrive by 8:45 am to notify the ushers of your presence.
*If you have not checked in by then, the ushers will have to ask another family to bring up the gifts.
During the Prayer of the Faithful (when our community prays for various intentions, responding “Lord, hear our prayer”), exit your pew and genuflect to the tabernacle, making the sign of the cross. Then, head to the back of the church and notify the ushers that you are there to present the gifts. An usher will hand each family member a sacred vessel or the collection basket. An altar server carrying the cross will meet you at the center aisle doors. When it is time, reverently and slowly follow the cross-bearer up the center aisle until you reach the priest celebrant, who will be standing to meet you in front of the sanctuary steps. One a time, hand your assigned gift to the priest and step to the side, facing the altar, with "prayer hands." After all the gifts have been “presented,” the gift bears bow from the waist, all together, and then return reverently to their seats.
Cómo presentar las ofrendas en la misa de las 12:30 p.m.
*Llegue antes de las 12:15 p. m. y pregunte a los ujieres si su familia puede traer los regalos.
Durante la Oración de los Fieles (cuando nuestra comunidad ora por diversas intenciones, respondiendo “Señor, escucha nuestra oración”), sal de tu banco y haz una genuflexión ante el tabernáculo, haciendo la señal de la cruz. Luego, dirígete a la parte trasera de la iglesia y notifica a los ujieres que estás allí para presentar los regalos. Un ujier entregará a cada miembro de la familia un vaso sagrado o la canasta de la colecta. Un monaguillo que lleva la cruz lo recibirá en las puertas del pasillo central. Cuando llegue el momento, siga con reverencia y lentitud al portador de la cruz por el pasillo central hasta llegar al sacerdote celebrante, que estará de pie para recibirlo frente a los escalones del santuario. Una vez, entregue el obsequio asignado al sacerdote y dé un paso a un lado, de cara al altar, con "manos de oración". Después de que todos los regalos han sido “presentados”, los ositos se inclinan desde la cintura, todos juntos, y luego regresan reverentemente a sus asientos.