Religious Education Volunteer Opportunities - Special Projects
There are many activities throughout the year for those who can't swing a weekly or bi-weekly commitment but who can help with short-term projects here are there.
Lead a service club for our Confirmation candidates to provide them with a 6-hour Catholic service experience centered on a topic that is close to your heart. This could be as arranging and chaperoning an existing service opportunity or as complex as you designing your own project.
Coordinate some or all of a one-time event: Family Penance Service, sacramental retreat or reception, or other event.
Serve as an occasional small group leader for "Faith Alive!" (Confirmation preparation) activities.
Provide occasional facilities or office support.
There are plenty of ways that your gifts and talents can be put to good use! Contact Gretchen Magno, Cordinator of Religious Education, to volunteer, to ask questions, or to talk about possibilities.
All individuals over the age of 18 who serve as volunteers for programs involving children must comply with the Archdiocese of Washington's Child Protection Policy. This includes completing a volunteer application form, an online background check, and attending a one-time class called "Protecting God's Children". Our Child Protection Coordinator will assist you in satisfying these requirements prior to the start of your volunteer service.