Religious Education Volunteer Opportunities - Classroom Aide
Classroom Aide: Because Every Catechist Needs Good Help
Our program requires adult assistance to the catechist at almost every level. For the safety of our children and to maintain a calm and effective learning environment, most classrooms are assigned an adult classroom aide to assist the catechist. If you're not interested in teaching (or at least not yet) but would like to assist our program, this may be the role for you. Experience all the fun of the classroom and share your faith, too!
Choose the age group that's right for you.
Sunday morning and Monday afternoon class times available.
Sunday, Grade 4 and below ~ 10:30 to 11:55 a.m.
Sunday, Grades 5 and 6 ~ 10:25 to 11:55 a.m.
Sunday, Grade 7 and up ~ 10:15 a.m. to 12 noon
Monday, Grades 1-6 ~ 4:45 to 6:10 p.m.
Monday, Grade 7 and 8 ~ 4:30 to 6:15 p.m.
Parents who volunteer as adult classroom aides receive a 50% tuition scholarship for their children.
We also have several openings for teen classroom aides who are interested in earning service hours. Teens in grade 7 through 12 are welcomed.
Contact Gretchen Magno, Coordinator of Religious Education, to volunteer, to ask questions, or to talk about possibilities.
All individuals over the age of 18 who serve as volunteers for programs involving children must comply with the Archdiocese of Washington's Child Protection Policy. This includes completing a volunteer application form, an online background check, and attending a one-time class called "Protecting God's Children". Our Child Protection Coordinator will assist you in satisfying these requirements prior to the start of your volunteer service.