A Pilgrimage to ROME & ASSISI


including the Diaconate Ordination of Tom Robertson at St. Peter’s Basilica

September 25 - October 4, 2021 | $3,670 per person

(Contingency dates: March 24 – April 2, 2022)

There are still 2 available slots for the Parish Pilgrimage to Rome and Assisi. Don’t miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to witness all the Church has to offer. The Pilgrimage registration will officially close on August 10. 

Daily Details of the trip and Registration Forms can be found: here or online at: https://www.stcharlespilgrimages.com/maryofthemills.html

Mary of the Mills Pilgrimage 8.5 x 11.jpeg

Question? Please feel free to reach out to our travel company directly or our parish representative: Beverly (240-997-6326)