Prince George’s County 2020
In these difficult times, many families are facing financial crisis. Below you will find a new list of resources for individuals and families in Prince George’s County - including information regarding those who are unable to pay utility or rent bills, as well as links to access school lunch programs.
Don’t live in PG County? Don’t see what you are looking for below?
Use this free search engine to locate services in your area:
Catholic Charities launches program to help parish families get their stimulus checks: printable flyer
Weekday Meal Distribution Centers in Beltsville and Laurel (en español); Weekend Meal Distribution Center in Laurel
In need of Diapers? Find out more about the UM giveaway beginning July 31: information here.
Renters Protection Update:
Prince George's County COVID-19 Hourly Employee Relief Fund will provide financial help to hourly employees laid-off due to the coronavirus. The Prince George's County COVID-19 Hourly Employee Relief Fund will provide $200 cash cards to PG County residents who were recently laid off because of the coronavirus pandemic. Prince George's County residents can begin signing up for the fund on Monday, April 6, and the first disbursements will begin later that week. All eligible PG County residents need to do to apply is follow these five easy steps:
Visit and register with Employ Prince George's.
Select "Apply for Prince George's County COVID-19 Hourly Employee Relief Fund."
Complete the required applicant questionnaire.
Upload the required documentation to confirm that your layoff is due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Confirm and monitor your email for updates.
This is a limited financial resource and priority will be given to hourly employees who were earning $19 or less prior to the pandemic.
WASHINGTON GAS is temporarily suspending customer disconnections and waiving late fees for anyone unable to pay their monthly bills. Please visit for assistance. Walk-in offices are closed. To pay bills to reconnect consumers can call (703) 750-7944.
PEPCO is suspending service disconnections and waiving new late payment fees through May 1. Pepco will be working with customers on a case-by-case basis to establish payment arrangements and identify energy assistance options. Customers who may be challenged in paying their Pepco bill should contact Pepco Customer Care at 202-833-7500.
BGE is suspending service disconnections and waiving new late payment charges at least until May 1.Customers who may be challenged in paying their bill should contact BGE Customer Care at
WSSC will suspend all water service shutoffs for those facing financial difficulties. Customers are encouraged to contact WSSC Water and speak with a representative at 301-206-4001 or 1-800-828-6439 to discuss their specific situation.
PROHIBITION ON EVICTIONS: Governor Hogan has issued an emergency order that prohibits Maryland courts from ordering the eviction of any tenant who can show that their failure to pay rent was the result of COVID-19—for example, because of lost or reduced unemployment, or needing to care for a school-aged child—or because they are diagnosed with, or under investigation for, COVID-19.
PROHIBITION ON FORECLOSURES: The Department of Housing and Urban Development was directed to suspend all evictions and foreclosures on HUD-backed properties until the end of April. The Federal Housing Finance Agency said it was directing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to suspend all foreclosures and evictions for at least 60 days. Consumers should be encouraged to communicate with their lenders.
MedStar eVisit waives fees to talk with a primary care doctor online: “To manage the threat of COVID-19 and as a service to our community, we are temporarily waiving the fee for our MedStar eVisit service. Please note, if you are a first-time MedStar eVisit user you will be asked to enter your insurance information when you register. However, your insurance will not be charged and you will not incur a self-pay charge.” For more information Google MedStar eVisit.
EXPANSION OF AVAILABLE SCHOOL MEALS: Certain Maryland schools are providing three meals a day, and a snack, to students impacted by the statewide closure of schools. MSDE has 138 meal distribution centers across the state as of March 17.
PG SCHOOL LUNCH PROGRAMS: Prince George’s County Public Schools is offering a number of grab-and-go meal sites for students during the statewide shutdown of schools because of the coronavirus, and students will also be able to grab learning materials. Students can pick up breakfast, lunch and a snack from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on weekdays. Children don’t have to be with a parent of guardian to pick up the food. Adults cannot pick up the food for children. See the current list of schools offering lunch.
PG COUNTY Coronavirus factsheets
LARS Resources: The City of Laurel is now delivering food to our homebound clients (seniors and immuno-compromised) on M/W/Fs. The individuals must have a current intake with LARS in order to receive this delivery service. They would just call us up to schedule an appointment and request a delivery. LARS is now also accepting appointments to hand out diapers to clients; documentation of the child’s birth date will be required. To make appointments can call M-F between 9–4 : 301-776-0442.