We are all on a faith journey. And each of us has a unique story. We are ready when you are to learn yours and walk with you along the adventure of faith. 

So whether you are discovering Jesus for the first time or are considering fully joining the Catholic Church, we'd love to hear from you. 

There's no commitment. Reach out to us anytime.

Since our stories are individual, the journeys we take are too. Maybe you:

  • Are getting to know Jesus and have never joined a church.

  • Were baptized in a different Christian community but want to learn more about Catholicism.

  • Were baptized Catholic but for whatever reason, did not receive First Communion or Confirmation.

We invite you to take the next step and discover the path where God is waiting for you.

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (or “RCIA” for short) is the process of exploring the Catholic faith and, should you feel so called, fully joining the Catholic Church.


To learn more or would like to begin to RCIA process, complete the brief form below or contact Ali Poteet, Director of Faith Formation, at